Alexa's experience report #8
28th June 2018
Our Web Development Bootcamp: From start to finish
Dream job found as a Web Developer.
Hi! I'm Alexa, 26 years old, and I'm taking part in the Web Development Bootcamp at neue fische - School and Pool for Digital Talent. In the next weeks I will tell you about my experiences during the course and provide you with information about our further education as web developers at neue fische - School and Pool for Digital Talent.
The last weeks have flown by for all of us. The attentive reader will not have failed to notice that more time than usual has passed between my last post and this one. This is mainly due to the fact that we are currently working full throttle on our final project, the digital journeyman piece. It's the last project we have to finish as part of our continuing education to become web developers. And at the same time it is our most important project, because it marks the beginning of our time as new fish in the pond of web developers.
The interviews are already in full swing
In addition to our individual final projects, we are now all thinking about what we want to do after the Web Developer Bootcamp. We are really optimistic about this, because almost every one of us who wants to has already had job interviews, trial work days and meetings with the neue fische - corporate partners. That's as good as it is demanding - especially if you want to convince on all fronts. However, we also have support: the neue fische team is tireless in putting us in touch with new contacts for jobs, they help us prepare for job interviews, and they always have an open ear for doubts and worries, too. This helps me, and I know from others that it is the same for them.
The digital capstone project - our business card for job interviews
We were allowed to choose and individually design our final projects for the Web Developer Bootcamp. Jerry, our coach, was on hand to advise us. Each of the 14 participants had to design a digital journeyman's piece that suited them. In concrete terms, it looks like this: One is working on an app to facilitate order management in the restaurant industry, another bootcampers is building a news app, and I myself am working on a custom shopping app. Each of us builds something to which we have a special connection. In this phase, our coach shows his multitasking talent. He takes his time and supports each of us in the realization.
We celebrate the first successful Web Developer Bootcamp
This week the time has come: The first bootcamp graduation ceremony will take place at the premises of neue fische GmbH, where we will be presented with our certificates and hold a real degree in our hands. At the ceremony we will also get the opportunity to present our finished journeymen's pieces to a larger audience. Not only our partners and families will be present, but also the corporate partners of neue fische GmbH. With the graduation ceremony we all realize that we have accomplished something. We are all very much looking forward to it.
The start into the new job
I also had a few job interviews in the last few weeks - both with the partners of neue fische GmbH and with other companies. We see that the demand for web developers in the professional world is very high. Web Developers are needed in various industries and we have proven through our bootcamp that you can learn Web Development even in three intensive months. Some of us already have work contracts in our hands - even though the course is not quite finished yet. I myself will start in mid-July as a junior software developer at Otto GmbH & Co. KG. So the new fische concept is working. We've worked very hard over the last three months, and every new job offer made to us Web Development Bootcamp participants shows that our efforts have paid off. We have all gained skills here that are valuable to companies and highly sought after in the job market.
The Web Development Bootcamp is a small stage in life
New job, new friends, new experiences - each of us has learned a lot in the last few months. Friendships have been formed that have a good chance of lasting beyond our coding bootcamp. The bootcamp was a lasting experience in terms of stamina, will and consistency. A web developer bootcamp is not a walk in the park. On the contrary, we were all at our limits several times and we kept going, didn't give up. I think we are now well prepared for our start in professional life as web developers. There, of course, the learning continues, but we have built the foundation.
I'll report back in a few weeks on how I'm doing after my first few weeks in my new job at Otto GmbH & Co. KG. By then, the next Web Development Bootcamp will have already started. I now know what these neue fische are up to and I wish you that they have as good an experience as I did.
What are you waiting for?
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