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Java Development Bootcamp

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Mar 24, 2025
Invent your own app: Get deep into back-end processes with Java and JavaScript and learn all about databases, authentication, security & Co in the Java Development Bootcamp.
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Course content

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Become a Java developer - at the neue fische Java Bootcamp

Learn to program Java - the world's most popular programming language. Our Java course teaches you object-oriented programming (OOP), shows you how to write clean, extensible Java code and explains the interaction between CSS, JavaScript and HTML - backend and frontend. You'll also learn all about using APIs, modern frameworks, libraries and database connections. Additionally, you will acquire skills in hosting and DevOps to get started as a Java Developer. Join our Bootcamp!

Learn to program Java: Hands-on & quickly

Our Java developer training includes 2 coaches per class, 540 hours of intensive instruction, hands-on assignments and valuable 1:1 feedback sessions. You will be trained in Scrum, agile methods, stress reduction and presentation - at the end of the Java programming course, you will code your digital capstone project for 4 weeks. And don't worry: with the help of our Career Development programme, we will prepare you for your job entry with interview training and more. Convinced? Then learn everything you need to know to program it from our coaches in the Java course. We're looking forward to you in the bootcamp!

Career boost for employees and Java career changers

Our Full Stack Java course is for anyone who already has some programming experience and wants to deepen it, or who has had some programming training and needs a tech update. The boot camp is also suitable for Java developers career changers, university dropouts or temporary employees. We promote DiversITy, regardless of gender, sexual orientations, social and ethnic background, etc., and welcome all who are motivated: Let’s code! 🌈


  • Full-Time: 12 weeks (Mo – Fr, 9am – 6pm)
  • Participants: approx. 15
  • Coaches: 2 per bootcamp
  • Locations: remote (live online)
  • Course language: German (basic knowledge of English required)
  • Certificate: Java Developer

Our coaches

Florian Weber

Lead Coach Java Development

Dominic Destrait

Lead Coach Java Development

Elvedin Turkovic

Lead Coach Java Development

Tech Stack

Spring Web
Spring Data
Spring Security
Mobile First
Agile methods
Pair Programming
Download free info material

The course content, application process, pricing & funding all in one pdf.

neue fische web development Alumni - Josefine Schaederneue fische Web Development Alumni Sophia Müller

Learn Java programming and meet top companies: Welcome to the neue fische coding bootcamp.

Starting dates

The next dates: Java Development Bootcamp

Apply now for one of 15 spots in the Java course. No suitable start date? Contact us here.

By the way: remote bootcamp participants can also use our campus to learn together and exchange ideas. Just get in touch with us – happy to see you there!

24th Mar23rd Jun ‘25




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24th Jun22nd Sep ‘25




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27th Aug24th Nov ‘25




Secure seat


This is what you learn in our Java Development Bootcamp

Basics first: fundamentals of programming

Unit Tests

Let's go - let's code! In the first two weeks of our Java programming course we teach you the basics of programming.
The programming language we use is the object-oriented language Java - probably the most widely used coding language in the world.

In some hands-on exercises you will learn how to write extensible and clean code, and how to version and test perfectly.
You will use the latest and hottest tools to support you. Our coaches will show you in detail how they work in the Java course.

Learning Java means learning Spring Framework


In the second phase of your Java developer training, everything revolves around the popular "Spring Framework", with the help of which you can run your first own server. Spring Framework is an open-source framework that is compatible with the Java platform and is often used in web applications.
You will define your own APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and of course, write tests for them.

Coding modular UI components with React


Next, you'll cover the frontend in the Java course. Makes sense, because only if you master the frontend fundamentals, your application can be operated in a user-friendly way. And here's another new topic: After learning the HTML, CSS and JS basics, we'll start right away with the React Library.

It's perfect for creating user interface components just the way you want them. React is probably the most effective solution for making modular front-end components portable, reusable, and interactive. A super tool that no Java developer can do without.

Connect the backend with the frontend

Advanced React

Now we put the pieces of the puzzle together: In the fourth phase of your Java training, we connect our backend with our frontend and make sure that everything meshes smoothly.
And if there should be a hitch in the communication between frontend and backend, we make sure that our application remains fully functional.

Release your application

Spring Security

In the penultimate phase, we take our application to an even higher level. With the help of databases we persist our data, with the help of Docker and Heroku we publish our application on the web.
Learning Java with security: To control who can use our application and how, we secure it with Spring Security, a Java framework that provides authentication, authorization, and other security features for enterprise applications.

Your finale at the graduation event

Digital capstone project
Career coaching

Only through practice can you become a Java developer. That's why you're now writing your own app, the topic or idea of which you come up with yourself. Our coaches will of course support you in the planning and implementation of your digital capstone project, for which you have four weeks.

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Our partner companies

Simple and affordable

Education must be affordable. Check out all the financing options now.

Education voucher
Agentur für Arbeit

Pay directly
No problem

Payment by the employer
Re- & Upskilling

To the education voucher

These steps are important to take the course

Whether you have dropped out of university, are on short-time work, are threatened with unemployment or have lost your job, your time will be well spent if you become more digital. Please note that the process of getting an education voucher from the employment agency can take a relatively long time. We therefore advise you to follow the procedure below.
Step 1

Register as a jobseeker early

In order to receive your education voucher for your retraining from the employment agency, the JobCentre or the Labour Office, you should register as a jobseeker at an early stage. It is therefore very important that you first make an appointment with the relevant office. It's best to do it now!

Step 2

Get your educational offer from us

The next step on the way to your IT training voucher is quick and easy: Contact us! We will create an official training offer for you that you can then submit to the employment agency, the job centre or the employment office.

Step 3

Apply for the training voucher

Now it's down to the nitty-gritty: With the training offer we have created, you now go back to your responsible office and apply for your training voucher. As soon as it is approved, you can start your new career with us. We look forward to seeing you!


Really good questions, helpful answers

You still have questions about the training, the prices, the financing, etc.? Then take a look here or contact us directly.

Our Bootcamp is THE IT training for Java developers career changers and experienced professionals. Anyone who is motivated enough to learn something new, who is interested in IT and who wants a change in their job can become a Java developer. Career changers, as well as temporary soldiers, are in the right place with us. For learning Java, you should ideally already have some previous knowledge of programming - we will be happy to explain the details to you in an introductory meeting.

The price of your web developer training depends on the financing method you choose. Our Student & Admissions Team will be happy to advise you and find the right way for you. Basically, our courses can cost 0 € with the appropriate scholarship and start from 8.500 € to 9.500 € for self-payers, depending on the course.

Here you will find all relevant information about our financing options: pay immediately and pay by yourself, or receive funding via an education voucher from the employment agency.

Learning to program with Java is comprehensive and fun! Our Java course teaches you object-oriented programming (OOP), shows you how to write clean, extensible Java code and explains the interplay between CSS, JavaScript and HTML - backend and frontend. You'll also learn all about using APIs, modern frameworks, libraries and database connections. In addition, you will acquire skills in hosting and DevOps to get started as a Java developer.

Learning to program in Java makes more sense than ever! Germany's companies are desperately looking for well-trained specialists. Large companies in particular are increasingly digitizing themselves and are relying on the Java programming language developed by Oracle. A university degree or a correspondence course in computer science or business informatics is no longer the only ticket: HR managers of large corporations, as well as small start-ups, are looking for team-oriented, motivated and adaptive practitioners who can get started in a team without much training.

Learning Java is lucrative: The starting salary as a Java developer career changer is around €45,000 per year - depending on professional experience, the salary range can of course vary. Since Java developers are often found in large companies, the development and promotion opportunities are usually very good and the salary is correspondingly attractive. In most cases, it is above the entry-level of other professions.

Background pattern

What are you waiting for?

Our Student Admissions team is happy to talk with you, answer your questions, and advise you. Get in touch with us!

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