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Alumni Spotlight: Annika's Bold Leap Into Web Development

21st October 2024

Alumni Annika
Read how Annika changed her career and landed as the Head of Digital!

I didn’t even know what JavaScript was, and now I’m leading digital projects. I never saw that coming!

Imagine jumping into the world of web development and, just a few years later, becoming the Head of Digital at a top branding agency. Sound impossible? Well, it’s not! Annika did it, and her journey is nothing short of inspiring. What started as a random interest turned into a full-blown career change, thanks to a little help from the web development bootcamp at neue fische.

But let’s rewind a bit. Annika, with a background in social sciences and HR consulting, never thought she'd be sitting in front of a computer, coding websites and managing digital projects. So, how did she go from the world of HR to leading the digital department at a branding agency? Buckle up, because this story is as exciting as it gets! 🚀

From Social Sciences to Web Development: The Unexpected Pivot

Annika didn’t always have web development on her radar. In fact, she stumbled upon it by accident. After completing her Master's in social sciences, with a focus on organizational development, she found herself working in HR consulting for healthcare and social services. Her job involved advising on HR challenges, and while it was rewarding, something was missing. She wanted more—more creativity, more innovation, and, let’s face it, more fun!

Then came the turning point. Annika moved to Hamburg and began exploring new opportunities. That’s when she discovered neue fische, an organization that trains people for in-demand tech jobs. After meeting with their team, she became intrigued by the idea of qualifying as a web developer. Initially, she thought, "Hey, why not learn what web developers do? It’ll help me understand the field better when I consult on HR issues in tech companies." Little did she know, she’d soon fall head over heels for coding and digital project management.

The Bootcamp Experience: Intense, Exciting, and Transformative

Annika’s decision to join the web development bootcamp at neue fische wasn’t just a leap of faith—it was a full-on dive into a new world. She signed up for the full stack developer bootcamp, eager to learn everything from HTML and CSS to JavaScript and beyond. But it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. “It was challenging,” she admits. “I didn’t even know what JavaScript was when I started!”

The bootcamp, which included intense web development training, pushed her to her limits, but in the best way possible. “There were moments when I thought, ‘Can I really do this?’” Annika recalls. “But then I’d solve a problem, and it was like unlocking a superpower.” The hands-on nature of the bootcamp meant she wasn’t just learning theory—she was building real projects, writing code, and collaborating with others.

With a mix of group work and individual challenges, Annika learned how to navigate coding languages, project management tools like Git, and even some of the best web design practices. It wasn’t long before she realized, “Hey, I can actually do this!”

And that’s the beauty of web development courses like those offered by neue fische. Whether you're a complete beginner or have some experience, they guide you through the process of becoming a confident developer. Annika’s front end developer bootcamp wasn’t just about coding; it was about changing how she thought, solving problems creatively, and working as part of a team. And that, she says, was the key to her success. 💻

New Beginnings: From Bootcamp Graduate to Head of Digital

After completing the bootcamp, Annika faced the next big question: "What now?" She wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to be a full-time coder. But, as luck would have it, her connections from the bootcamp came through! The neue fische network was invaluable in helping her connect with potential employers. Annika’s CV ended up in the hands of Juno, a branding agency that was looking for someone to lead their digital projects.

“I wasn’t sure at first if web development was my long-term path,” Annika says, “but when Juno reached out and we started talking, I realized how much I could bring to the table. It wasn’t just about writing code—it was about managing digital projects, strategizing, and combining creativity with tech.”

Annika joined Juno as a web developer, and after three years of hard work, she worked her way up to Head of Digital. Now, she oversees the development of websites for clients in various industries, from architecture to healthcare. "We work on everything from corporate websites to employer branding campaigns, and I love how diverse it is!" Annika beams. The full stack development course didn’t just teach her how to code; it taught her how to think like a digital leader.

Why Bootcamp Training Works: Annika’s Advice for Future Developers

Looking back, Annika is glad she took the plunge. "Web development bootcamps are no joke," she says with a smile. “But if you stay persistent, the payoff is huge. The skills I learned weren’t just about coding—they were about thinking critically, working in teams, and managing projects.”

She also emphasizes the importance of staying motivated, even when it feels like you’re behind. “There were people in my bootcamp who had been coding for years, while I was just learning what HTML was! But the great thing about these web development courses is that they level the playing field. If you put in the effort, you can succeed, no matter your background.” ⭐️

Annika encourages anyone interested in tech to consider a web development bootcamp, especially those who may feel like they missed their shot. “It’s never too late to learn something new,” she says. “I was in my 30s when I switched careers, and now I’m leading digital projects for a branding agency. If I can do it, so can you!” Whether it's a full stack developer course, a website development course, or even one of the best web development courses online, Annika believes the opportunities are endless.

What’s Next for Annika?

Annika isn’t done yet! While she loves her current role, she’s constantly learning and growing. "That’s one of the cool things about web development," she says. "It’s always evolving, and so am I." She’s currently working on expanding Juno’s digital offerings and incorporating more innovative web design and development strategies. “There’s always something new to learn, whether it’s the latest framework or a new design trend,” she says excitedly.

For those looking to follow in Annika’s footsteps, there are plenty of web development courses online that can kickstart your journey. Whether you’re interested in front end development, full stack development, or even just want to try your hand at a web design course, neue fische has something for everyone. Annika’s journey proves that with the right mindset and the best web development training, anything is possible.

Final Thoughts: Taking the Leap

Annika’s journey from social sciences to digital leadership is proof that career changes aren’t just possible—they can be incredibly rewarding. Her advice to others thinking about making a big change? “Just do it! Don’t overthink. Take that first step. You never know where it might lead.”

So, whether you're considering a web development bootcamp or just curious about what a full stack developer course could do for your career, now might be the perfect time to dive in. After all, Annika’s story shows us that sometimes the most unexpected paths lead to the most exciting destinations. 🚀

Are you ready to take the leap into web development? neue fische offers a range of web development courses that can help you get started, from full stack developer bootcamp to online course web development​. With hands-on training and real-world projects, you’ll be ready to tackle the digital world in no time.

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