For case workers


Educational leave in Berlin: Things to know for 2024

12th April 2024

Opportunity for further training with the help of educational leave. The state of Berlin is helping.

Imagine there's a program that allows you to take a break from work to focus on learning something new, with the assurance that your job will be waiting for you when you return. This is the essence of educational leave, offered to working professionals across Germany. It aims to advance your career by developing new skills or deepening existing ones, whether you're interested in languages, technology, IT, or anything in between.

In an era of rapid technological progress and amid a growing shortage of skilled IT professionals, training initiatives are increasingly important. In Berlin, employees are given the opportunity to advance their skills through educational leave.

Who is eligible for educational leave?

In Berlin, educational leave is available to employees and trainees, although trainees can only use it for political education. Civil servants are not eligible for this benefit. Eligibility starts at least six months after the beginning of the employment relationship.

How can you apply for educational leave?

Applications for educational leave in Berlin must be submitted at least six weeks before the course begins. Employees should consider the specific requirements of their employers and submit all necessary documents on time.

What offers are available?

The educational leave offers in Berlin are diverse. They range from political education to professional training and qualifications for volunteer activities. The community colleges (VHS) in Berlin offer a wide range of courses specifically recognized as educational leave. These courses last at least one day and cover various areas of interest.


In small businesses with up to 20 employees, the entitlement to educational leave is limited to a maximum of 10% of the workforce. This is intended to protect smaller companies from significant disruptions while still providing employees with opportunities for further education.

Expand Your Horizons

Educational leave in Berlin presents an excellent opportunity to develop and acquire new skills. With the right information and timely planning, you can make the most of this opportunity. The various offers from VHS Berlin and other educational providers in the city cater to a wide range of needs, many of which are specifically tailored to the demands of Berlin's working world. Take this chance to sharpen your professional profile and prepare yourself for future challenges!

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