
The most frequently asked questions for your job interview as a web developer

9th February 2024

Get ready for your entry-level job as a web developer.

We reveal the most common questions you'll be asked in a web developer job interview and provide the best answers right away! 

You've passed the coding bootcamp successfully, polished up your portfolio and now want to prepare for the next step - your interview for a job as a web developer! Are you a little nervous? Don't panic! As we all know, good preparation is half the battle! Preparing for an interview for a web developer position - whether you're an entry-level, front-end or senior web developer - requires a mix of technical ability, problem-solving skills and effective communication. We've put together the most important technical and some soft skills questions, so let's go with the most important questions and answers for your web developer job interview: 

Firstly, a few general questions:

What sparked your interest in web development?
This is where you dive into your career. Tell us what sparked your passion, whether it was a personal project or an impressive website you stumbled across.

How do you approach problem solving when programming?
Ok, let's get practical. Explain your problem-solving process - from identifying the problem to the "aha" moment when everything works.

What is your favourite programming language and why?
Show some love for your programming language of choice at this point. Is it the syntax, the community or the sheer magic you can create with it that brings you joy?

Tell us about a difficult project you've tackled.
Here you tell us about a project that pushed you to your limits. What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?

What is your favourite source for keeping up to date with industry trends?
Whether it's podcasts, blogs or the latest tech conferences - share your favourite insider tips for staying up to date and describe your experiences with responsive design. Think mobile-first too! Tell us about examples where you have displayed websites seamlessly on different devices.

How do you optimize the performance of your website?
Speed is important. Talk about your strategies to ensure your creations load at warp speed.

And now let's move on to social skills. In addition to technical knowledge, you should always prepare for social skills and have a few examples ready:

Have you ever had a conflict with a team member? How did you resolve it?
Team player alert! At this point, for example, tell us about a conflict at work that turned into a triumph - then you get bonus points for diplomacy and conflict resolution skills.

What do you think about accessibility in web development?
This is where you show empathy. Discuss how important it is to you to make the digital world accessible to everyone.

Distinguish between ID and class selector:

How do you differentiate between ID and class selectors in CSS?
ID selectors are labelled with the prefix # and are unique for a single HTML element. Class selectors are labelled with the prefix . and can be applied to multiple HTML elements.

Dealing with undefined and null values:

What is the difference between undefined and null values in JavaScript?
Undefined means that a variable has been declared but no value has been assigned to it, while null is an assignment value that does not represent a value or object.

Trends in web development:

What do you think will be the biggest trends in web development in the future?
I expect to see an increased use of AI and machine learning, further growth of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and advances in web assembly for better performance.

Prioritising SEO, maintainability, performance and security:

How do you prioritise SEO, maintainability, performance and security in a web app?
I prioritise by using clean code practices, optimising assets, implementing secure coding standards and ensuring compliance with SEO-friendly structures.

Dealing with negative feedback:

Tell me about a time when you received negative feedback. How did you respond to it?
I actively listened to the feedback, identified areas for improvement and made changes. I see feedback as an opportunity to grow and improve my skills.

Dealing with conflict in a team:

How do you deal with conflict in your team?
I believe in open communication, understanding different perspectives and finding common solutions. Resolving conflicts in a positive way contributes to a healthier team dynamic.

And now the final for your interview:

Research the company: Tailor your answers to the company's technologies, practices and values.

Give examples: Back up your answers with real examples from your experience.

Stay up to date: Keep up with the latest trends, tools and technologies in web development.

Show problem-solving skills: Use structured approaches to problem solving when answering technical questions.

Highlight your soft skills: Emphasise your communication, collaboration and adaptability skills in the behavioural questions.

Try to practise these questions thoroughly and make sure you can formulate your thoughts clearly and concisely. 

We wish you every success in your web developer job interview!

Want to improve your technical skills? Then apply here for our 12-week Web Development Coding Bootcamp.

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