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Umschulung Arbeitsamt: funding, preferred areas and lucrative options

13th May 2024

Retraining as an important step for a new career start.

Retraining is an important step for many people who want to start a new career or are no longer able to work in their chosen profession due to changes in the labour market. The Labour Office, officially known as the Employment Agency, plays a central role in funding retraining measures. This article provides a comprehensive overview of how retraining can be financed by the employment office, which retraining programmes are preferentially supported and which professional fields can be particularly lucrative after retraining.

Financing retraining through the job centre

Retraining is usually financed by the employment office via the Bildungsgutschein. This is issued to unemployed people or people at risk of unemployment who need further training to improve their chances on the labour market. The education voucher covers the costs of course fees, examination fees, travel costs and any necessary work equipment and accommodation. The awarding of education vouchers is linked to certain conditions, such as the proven necessity of the retraining for integration into the labour market and the personal suitability of the applicant.

Preference for subsidized retraining

The employment office favours retraining in occupational fields in which there is a shortage of skilled workers or which are particularly promising due to economic developments. These areas include:

  • IT and digitalisation: as the demand for skilled workers in the IT sector remains high, retraining to become a software developer, IT security expert or data analyst is often supported.

  • Healthcare: Occupations in the healthcare sector, particularly geriatric nurses, nurses and medical-technical assistants, are in demand due to demographic change and the ongoing shortage of skilled labour.

  • Skilled trades: Skilled trades such as electricians, plumbers and plant mechanics are also being promoted due to the shortage of qualified specialists in these trades.

  • Renewable energies and environmental technology: Occupations in the development and maintenance of technologies for the production of renewable energies are increasingly in demand.

  • Logistics and transport: With increasing globalization and the growth of online trade, skilled workers in logistics and transport are particularly in demand.

These areas reflect the current demand on the labour market and the strategic direction of labour market policy, which aims to overcome bottlenecks in key economic sectors.

Lucrative retraining programmes

In addition to preferential funding, some retraining programmes are particularly lucrative, i.e. they lead to professions in which above-average salaries can be achieved. These include:

  • IT professions: Professionals in the IT industry, especially in specialised fields such as cybersecurity, data analysis and cloud computing, can expect very high salaries.

  • Healthcare professions with specialisation: Specialised medical professionals, such as surgical or intensive care nurses, often earn higher salaries than their colleagues in more general care areas.

  • Technical professions: Engineers and technicians, especially in the fields of automation and high technology, have very good earning potential.

  • Managers in logistics and supply chain management: With increasing professional experience and responsibility, above-average salaries can also be achieved in these areas.


Retraining can be an excellent way to reorient yourself and improve your chances on the labour market. The job centre offers not only financial support, but also advice and help in choosing the right retraining course. It is worth matching your personal profile and interests with the needs of the labour market in order to benefit from both financial support and good earning prospects after retraining. Anyone considering retraining should seek intensive counselling and use all available resources to make the most of this opportunity.

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