
How much does the employment agency pay for further training?

6th September 2024

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Investing in your own professional future is essential, and financing further training plays a central role in this. The employment agency has made it its mission to support job seekers and employed people in gaining qualifications. With various funding options, it enables access to lifelong learning and career advancement. The employment agency provides comprehensive information on courses and the associated funding criteria via the Kursnet online portal. This article provides an insight into the extent to which the agency can cover the costs of qualification measures and which conditions must be met for this to happen.

Key findings

  • Comprehensive funding of further training by the employment agency can open the door to new professional opportunities.

  • Funding options vary depending on the individual situation and the objective of the further training.

  • Through targeted qualification, workers secure a competitive advantage on the labor market.

  • The Kursnet portal offers a wide range of information for potential further training.

  • It is important to understand the requirements and processes for the employment agency to cover costs.

Overview of further training funding by the employment agency

The employment agency provides a wide range of options for further training funding to enable employed people and job seekers to develop professionally. Not only does the assumption of costs play an important role here, but also various funding programs that are tailored to the individual needs of the people.

  • Education voucher: One of the main instruments for further training funding. This voucher covers the costs of courses and training that take place at certified educational providers.

  • WeGebAU: A funding program specifically for older employees and smaller companies that supports further training in specific professional fields.

  • Activation and placement voucher (AVGS): This can be used to fund individual measures that aim to quickly reintegrate into the labor market.

In addition to the direct assumption of costs through these programs, regional agencies offer advice to identify the most suitable funding options for individual career goals. Detailed advice can be crucial in choosing the right ways and options for financing and thus ensuring effective use of the funding programs offered.

An introduction to Kursnet from the Employment Agency

The Kursnet portal is a central point of contact provided by the Employment Agency to actively support people in their search for further training. It serves as a comprehensive resource for discovering suitable educational measures and finding out about various further training opportunities.

What is Kursnet?

Kursnet, the official portal of the Employment Agency, offers comprehensive information on a wide range of educational measures and is specifically designed to support the search for further training. The platform lists thousands of offers ranging from professional training to retraining and is regularly updated to reflect the latest courses and programs.

How can Kursnet help with the search for further training?

The efficient further training search on Kursnet allows users to filter specifically for specific topics and regions. In addition, the search results can be fine-tuned using criteria such as "Employment Agency Kursnet retraining" or "suitable educational offers". This approach ensures that every user finds the optimal educational paths for their needs and career plans.

  • Filter options by subject area, location and time frame make it easier to find personal further training.

  • Details on funding opportunities and certifications provide information on which courses are funded by the employment agency.

  • User ratings and course evaluations help to better assess the quality and relevance of the educational measures offered.

Employment agency Kursnet

The employment agency's portal is a central point of contact for anyone interested in professional training or retraining. In this section of the article, we will look at how supports the professional development of individuals through a variety of training offers. not only offers a comprehensive overview of the various training opportunities and retraining courses, but also makes it easier to find suitable courses and programs that can be funded by the employment agency.

  • Detailed course information: The platform lists detailed information on course content, duration, costs and possible qualifications. This makes it easier to decide on a specific professional training course.

  • Access to certified providers: All education providers listed on are certified, which ensures the quality of the training.

  • Filter options and search functions: Users can filter by location, professional fields and various funding options, which makes the search efficient and targeted.

Using from the employment agency can therefore make a significant contribution to professional development and help find suitable retraining or further training that is funded by the employment agency.

Prerequisites for covering the costs of further training

The assumption of the costs of professional training by the employment agency is subject to certain conditions that emphasize the eligibility of a measure and its relevance to the labor market.

Professional necessity of further training

In order to meet the funding requirements for further training, the need for further training must first be proven from a labor market and employment policy perspective. This proof usually includes an analysis of the labor market relevance of the further training and how it can contribute to improving the applicant's professional situation.

Target groups and individual funding criteria

  • Employment promotion aims to specifically support specific target groups such as the long-term unemployed, low-skilled workers or older employees.

  • For each of these groups, there are adapted funding requirements that are tailored to the individual needs and the complex challenges of the labor market.

The exact funding criteria and eligibility requirements can be discussed individually during consultations with the employment agency.

How to submit an application for cost coverage

Applying for cost coverage for further training by the employment agency is a structured process that begins with an offer of advice and requires careful application.

First step: Consultation at the employment agency

A personal consultation at the employment agency is the starting point for the application process. During this conversation, you will receive comprehensive information about the advice offered and the employment agency advice. Here you will clarify your individual situation, discuss the further training options and find out what support is available to you.

Second step: Submitting the necessary documents

After the consultation, you must submit the necessary documents for your further training application. The employment agency usually requires:

  • The completed application form

  • Evidence of previous professional experience and qualifications

  • Information about the desired further training course

  • If applicable, evidence of the need for further training

These documents form the basis for reviewing your application and are crucial for the successful application.


In conclusion, further training proves to be an essential pillar for professional success and marks a crucial educational investment for the professional future of every individual. The employment agency plays a key role in this by providing financial support and thus laying the foundation for further training success. This personal support has been proven to increase employment opportunities and represents added value for the labor market.

The previous sections of the article have underlined the importance of high-quality further training measures and comprehensively illuminated the necessary steps for applying for cost coverage by the employment agency. Individual consultations and the targeted use of the Kursnet portal are essential for the targeted planning and realization of professional training ambitions.

It is unmistakable that the process from identifying the need for further training to submitting the application and successfully participating in a measure requires a careful approach. The grant from the employment agency is not only a financial relief, but also a commitment to the individual support of employees on their way to promising professional development.

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