Bildungsgutschein (Education voucher): Free of charge bootcamp for you too to enhance your career?
7th March 2024

Are you thinking about reorientating yourself professionally? Are you currently looking for a job? Would you like to return to work after parental leave? No matter what your reason are, you can make a fresh start in your career with a digital training program. Because an IT bootcamp is your smart way to a new tech dream job.
Investing time and money in education is the best way to ensure your future. That is the theory. But money is usually tight, especially in a phase of professional reorientation. This is where the Bildungsgutschein (education voucher) can help! With the Bildungsgutschein, 100 percent of the training costs will be covered. All of our courses are approved to pay with a Bildungsgutschein
What is a Bildungsgutschein?
The Bildungsgutschein (education voucher) is an official document. It is issued either by the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) or the job center. With this voucher your costs will be reimbursed. A prerequisite is that the training is officially recognized.
💥Good News: All our IT-bootcamps 👨💻 are officially recognized! Since 2018 we have been certified as an education provider and therefore are allowed to redeem your Bildungsgutschein.
What are the necessary conditions?
Not only unemployed persons or persons threatened by unemployment benefit from the support. Even if you have a job or are on parental leave, you can benefit from the Bildungsgutschein.
Conditions are, among others:
✔︎ You are unemployed or registered as unemployed
✔︎ You are at the risk of unemployment
✔︎ You want to secure your job
✔︎ You want to catch up on obtaining a vocational qualification
✔︎ You want to reorient yourself after parental leave.
✔︎ You come from a crisis-ridden industry and want a future-proof profession/job?
💥IMPORTANT: Your personal case worker will check whether you are really eligible in an on-site counselling appointment. A little tip: Make an appointment early in time - for example via the free hotline 08000 - 45 55 520!
What is being supported?
The exact scope of your funding will be clarified in a personal interview. We will support you in this process.
In principle, the following costs will be reimbursed:
✔︎ Course fees
✔︎ Costs for required learning materials, work clothes and examination fees
✔︎ travel costs
✔︎ Costs for childcare during the training program
Your way to the Bildungsgutschein...
… leads through us👨💻 We are by your side and support you every step of the way.
💥once a Fisch, always a Fisch💥
We strongly advise the following procedure:
Step 1: Register as a jobseeker early on
Step 2: Get in contact with us about your favorite bootcamp– we will create an educational offer for you.
Step 3: Use our offer to apply for a Bildungsgutschein from the Federal Employment Agency.
Questions?👨💻 We are happy to advise you and find out whether a Bildungsgutschein is an option for you. Together we will boost your career. 🌈
More info about Bildungsgutschein here

What are you waiting for?
Apply today! Our Student Admissions team is happy to speak with you and answer any unanswered questions.
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