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Digitization creates new fields of work - for you, too!

1st May 2022

There are many reasons for a career change. The IT industry is particularly attractive!

Continuing education for career changers and career reorienters

Whether it's a shift in one's own interests or a lack of motivation in one's existing job - there are numerous reasons that speak for a professional reorientation. In order for career changers to gain a foothold in an alternative field as quickly and effectively as possible, continuing education and retraining are excellent options. But which areas are actually particularly attractive in the course of a professional reorientation?

Why are further training and retraining courses so important for career changers?

Anyone seeking a career change can gain a significant advantage with the help of continuing education programs. For example, reorienting oneself from the ground up is not always an easy undertaking, as appropriate qualifications are often not available. Gaps of this kind can be closed effectively with the help of further training measures - also promoted by AZAV. In this way, not only the entry into the job is facilitated, but also the chances of a successful application are significantly improved by measures of this kind. Depending on individual requirements, retraining does not even require a great deal of time, as newfound training courses can be successfully completed in just three months.

Why is the digital sector in particular interesting for career changers?

Current social developments are strongly influenced by digitalization. As a result, more and more skilled workers are needed in the digital field to reliably master the challenges ahead. Thus, more and more programmers, data scientists and web developers are in demand, while the supply of qualified workers on the market is scarce. Especially Backend Developers as well as Frontend Developers are in high demand. What is a serious problem for many companies, provides lucrative job prospects for career changers in this field. Due to the shortage of skilled workers, the chance of finding a good job in the digital sector is above average. Due to this shortage, it may be possible for you to obtain an education voucher from the employment agency, which would mean that the costs of further education would even be covered by the state. In addition to the excellent job opportunities, digital professions of the future of this type also attract with attractive earnings prospects.

What are the tasks of Data Scientists and Web Developers?

Continuing education for career changers in the digital field can take place in many different ways. Particularly popular at the moment are further training courses to become a data scientist and web developer. In particular, the increasing use of big data in companies means that these two occupational groups are becoming increasingly relevant. While data scientists - also known as data scientists - are primarily concerned with the management, analysis and preparation of important customer or company data, employees in web development take care of the development of state-of-the-art web technologies. Instead of traditional, static websites, the focus today is primarily on complex and dynamic web applications, the creation of which requires specific know-how. Design planning and architecture development are among the central tasks of Web Developers here.

neuefische - fast, efficient and future-oriented!

Since the time required plays an important role in retraining, we focus on efficient teaching of the course content. Despite the short training period of only three months, the topics are not neglected, so that each participant has practical know-how after successful completion. Thanks to the optimized structure, career changers not only save valuable time with us, but also enjoy financial benefits. Overall, the training courses are extremely inexpensive compared to other institutes. In this way, the offer of neuefische forms a perfect basis for later professional success.

Would you like to learn more about us? Then find out today! Maybe you want to become a java developer - check it out!

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